ninetynine-1.3.0: Ninety-Nine Haskell Problems
CopyrightCopyright (C) 2023 Yoo Chung
Safe HaskellSafe-Inferred



Part of Ninety-Nine Haskell Problems. Some solutions are in Solutions.P74.



askGoldbach :: Handle -> Handle -> IO () Source #

We would like to implement a function which reads an even number from standard input, finds two prime numbers which add up to the number (see goldbach), and prints out the equation to standard output.

Given the use of input and ouput, this could be written with the IO monad in do notation:

askGoldbach :: Handle -> Handle -> IO ()
askGoldbach hIn hOut = do
  s <- hGetLine hIn
  let n = read s :: Int
  let (a,b) = goldbach n
  hPutStr hOut $ show n
  hPutStr hOut "="
  hPutStr hOut $ show a
  hPutStr hOut "+"
  hPrint hOut b

Implement the function without do notation. In other words, use >>= or >> directly, instead of using them implicitly through do notation. Try to use these functions with prefix style instead of infix style.


>>> withFixedInput "104" stdout askGoldbach



In do notation,


is a shorthand for

(>>) a b

or equivalently,

(>>=) a (\_ -> b)


  x <- a

is a shorthand for

(>>=) a (\x -> b)

For those not familiar with monads, using these functions directly in prefix style will make it more apparent that these are not just sequenced statements as in imperative languages, but really a series of function applications. The distinction may be minor in the context of IO monads, but it will make it easier to understand other kinds of monads such as Maybe.

While not relevant to this problem, also note that return is not a return statement as in most languages, but a function that injects a value into the monad. For example,

f :: SomeMonad (Int,Int)
f = do
  (a,b) <- return (1,2)
  return (a+1,b+1)

does not return (1,2), but instead returns a monad with (2,3).

The naming of return can make the function body similar to what one would expect from imperative languages. For example,

f :: IO String
f = do
  s <- getLine
  return $ "Got string: " ++ s

But one should be careful to remember that it is not a return statement as such.

Original function

The function below is the equivalent implementation of askGoldbach using do notation.

askGoldbach' :: Handle -> Handle -> IO () Source #

Reads an even number from standard input, finds two prime numbers which add up to the number, and prints out the equation to standard output.

This is an implementation of askGoldbach in do notation.


>>> withFixedInput "104" stdout askGoldbach'

Supporting function

The function below is not part of the problem. This is for use in examples and tests.

withFixedInput :: String -> Handle -> (Handle -> Handle -> IO ()) -> IO () Source #

Given a string and an output handle, apply the function to a constructed input handle and the given output handle. The input handle will read the given string.


>>> withFixedInput "This is the input." stdout (\i -> \o -> hGetLine i >>= hPutStrLn o)
This is the input.