ninetynine-1.3.0: Ninety-Nine Haskell Problems
CopyrightCopyright (C) 2023 Yoo Chung
Safe HaskellSafe-Inferred



Part of Ninety-Nine Haskell Problems. Some solutions are in Solutions.P91.



knightsTour :: Int -> (Int, Int) -> Maybe [(Int, Int)] Source #

Another famous problem is this one: How can a knight jump on an \(N \times N\) chessboard in such a way that it visits every square exactly once?

Write a function which returns a knight's tour ending at a particular square. Represent the squares by their coordinates with the tuple \((x,y)\), where \(1 \leq x \leq N\) and \(1 \leq y \leq N\). A tour will be a list of these tuples of length \(N \times N\).


>>> printKnightsTour $ knightsTour 6 (3,5)
24  7 32 17 22  5
33 16 23  6 31 18
 8 25 10 19  4 21
15 34  1 28 11 30
26  9 36 13 20  3
35 14 27  2 29 12



A straightforward backtracking algorithm can be very slow even for moderately sized boards such as \(8 \times 8\). Consider using Warnsdorff's rule. Alternatively, consider using a divide-and conquer algorithm which finds knight's tours for smaller boards and patching them together.

closedKnightsTour :: Int -> Maybe [(Int, Int)] Source #

The same as knightsTour, except return a circular tour. I.e., the knight must be able to jump from the last position in the tour to the first position in the tour. Start the tour from \((1,1)\).


>>> printKnightsTour $ closedKnightsTour 6
 1 14 31 20  3  8
32 21  2  7 30 19
13 36 15  4  9  6
22 33 24 27 18 29
25 12 35 16  5 10
34 23 26 11 28 17

printKnightsTour :: Maybe [(Int, Int)] -> IO () Source #

Print order of knight's tour on an \(N \times N\) board.