{- |
Description: Split a list
Copyright: Copyright (C) 2021 Yoo Chung
License: GPL-3.0-or-later
Maintainer: dev@chungyc.org

Part of Ninety-Nine Haskell "Problems".  Some solutions are in "Solutions.P17".
module Problems.P17 (split) where

import qualified Solutions.P17 as Solution

-- | Split a list into two parts; the length of the first part is given.
-- === Examples
-- >>> split "abcdefghik" 3
-- ("abc","defghik")
split :: [a] -> Int -> ([a], [a])
split :: forall a. [a] -> Int -> ([a], [a])
split = [a] -> Int -> ([a], [a])
forall a. [a] -> Int -> ([a], [a])