{- |
Description: Converting between graph representations
Copyright: Copyright (C) 2021 Yoo Chung
License: GPL-3.0-or-later
Maintainer: dev@chungyc.org

Part of Ninety-Nine Haskell "Problems".  Some solutions are in "Solutions.P80".
module Problems.P80 (ConvertibleGraph, toLists, toAdjacency, toPaths, toG) where

import           Problems.Graphs
import qualified Solutions.P80   as Solution

-- | Write functions to convert between the different graph representations
-- 'Lists', 'Adjacency', 'Paths', and 'G'.
-- The types can already be easily converted between each other using
-- the 'sets' and 'toGraph' functions available to the 'Graph' type class.
-- Unlike the other graph problems, this problem should be solved without using
-- the functions available to the 'Graph' type class for it to not be trivial.
class (Graph g, Solution.ConvertibleGraph g) => ConvertibleGraph g where
  -- | Convert graph to the 'Lists' representation.
  toLists :: g -> Lists
  toLists = g -> Lists
forall g. ConvertibleGraph g => g -> Lists

  -- | Convert graph to the 'Adjacency' representation.
  toAdjacency :: g -> Adjacency
  toAdjacency = g -> Adjacency
forall g. ConvertibleGraph g => g -> Adjacency

  -- | Convert graph to the 'Paths' representation.
  toPaths :: g -> Paths
  toPaths = g -> Paths
forall g. ConvertibleGraph g => g -> Paths

  -- | Convert graph to the 'G' representation.
  toG :: g -> G
  toG = g -> G
forall g. ConvertibleGraph g => g -> G

One can either include a single function definition which can handle
conversions from all graph representations to a particular representation,
or include specific function definitions between particular pairs of graph representations.

I.e., if one can and wants to implement a single function definition of 'toLists',
its function definition can be defined once in the ConvertibleGraph type class above.
If one wishes to use a particular function definition for 'toLists' from a 'G' graph representation,
once can include it in the instance declaration for 'G' below.

instance ConvertibleGraph Lists where
  toLists :: Lists -> Lists
toLists = Lists -> Lists
forall a. a -> a
  -- toAdjacency = undefined
  -- toPaths = undefined
  -- toG = undefined

instance ConvertibleGraph Adjacency where
  -- toLists = undefined
  toAdjacency :: Adjacency -> Adjacency
toAdjacency = Adjacency -> Adjacency
forall a. a -> a
  -- toPaths = undefined
  -- toG = undefined

instance ConvertibleGraph Paths where
  -- toLists = undefined
  -- toAdjacency = undefined
  toPaths :: Paths -> Paths
toPaths = Paths -> Paths
forall a. a -> a
  -- toG = undefined

instance ConvertibleGraph G where
  -- toLists = undefined
  -- toAdjacency = undefined
  -- toPaths = undefined
  toG :: G -> G
toG = G -> G
forall a. a -> a